
Sarah Mclachlan Concert

Betty and I went to Sarah Mclachlan concert last night. Amazing. What a talent...what a voice...

She sounds excellent in concert... Just about as good, if not better, in some songs. The stage setup and lights were beautiful, and the band/backup singers were right on queue.

Sarah sang quite a number of songs, and she also came out for two encore performances... She sang some of our favorite songs from the Afterglow, Fumbling Towards Ecstacy and Surfacing albums... Actually...just about the WHOLE concert was from those albums. There was only one song which I did not recognize, probably from one of her ealiest albums...

Betty and I lucked out on our seats as well. We sat about 12 rows up in the section (128) exactly next to the stage in the lower deck. We also lucked out, since the piano was setup closest to our end of the stage about 60 feet away (check the seating diagram). It was up close and personal...

She played at least 6-7 songs on the piano, and we had choice seating. It was awesome... We were so close to her...

The only gripe I had all night was that I decided not to bring my Canon S400 into the concert. They said no photography, but there was noone checking at the entrance, nor was there any type of metal detector. I was debating on whether or not to go back out to get the camera, but I decided against it. I decided to just enjoy the concert thinking that noone else would bring a camera in. Low and behold...I start seeing flashes.

Then I wanted to kick myself in the head for not going out to get it. Especially since we were sooooo close to the stage...and the piano was positioned even closer than we had anticipated. argggghhh! =( I'm tellin' ya, I coulda gotten some excellent photos.

What annoyed me all night was all the people taking photos about 200-300 feet away and using their flash...like it was gonna help illuminate Sarah from there... LoL...

And to top it off....the band that opened for Sarah McLachlan was really good as well. They (or should I say... she?) was called Butterfly Boucher. We even bought her CD, Flutterby, afterwards.

We had a lot of memorable fun....

Swimming Session

Some photots from a couple weeks back...

Swimming With Andy's Kids

Meg's 1st Grade Graduation [Courtesy of EKahren Photography Studios & the Canon S400 =)]

Check out the new format I made for the photos ! =)