
Colors of Filoli

Elizabeth and I went to Filoli this past Saturday by a recommendation from Dat. Well, Elizabeth also wanted to visit Filoli because, apparently, this was where Dyansty was filmed back in the 1980's. She actually pointed out areas of the house where specific things happened (Alexis being pushed off the grand stairway, a fight between two women in the pool, yada yada yada...)

The weather was great, and the sun was out (fully) for the first time in a few weeks... I thought this was going to to be way cool to have great weather for some fun photography... But...I gotta say...shooting in midday sunlight is not as easy as I anticipated. I shoot mostly in Manual mode to compensate for over/under-exposure...and I was struggling all day with shadows, exposure, hilight blowouts, etc. I wasn't very happy with a lot of my shots. ...That...and also because Filoli had a flower show that day, and there were a TON of people, which contributed to my feeling of being rushed while taking photos. I hate that... I think I'll go on a weekday next time, in order to take my time and capture the vivid colors of Filoli.

All photos were taken with the Canon 28-135mm IS zoom lens, except for the two portraits shots of Elizabeth and I....that was taken with the Canon 50mm prime lens.

Below are some of photos from that day that I managed to salvage: