
San Francisco Auto Show

Betty and I were able to catch the SF Auto Show this year. Betty tried a few cars on for size and she loved every single one of them! The Lexus IS300, the BMW 328, and the Audi A4 1.8 Turbo were among the leading contenders. Of course...by the time we buy a brand new car for her in a couple of years...the cars will probably be able to fly by then... hahha All kidding aside....the cars in a couple of years are, of course, gonna look different than the current models...and hopefully better... I feel so bad whenever she sees these other people zooming by with spankin' new cars...In know she wants one too... It's all about the dual income baby! Get the house first...and the new car will come!

Here are a few pics of the cars we saw. I would hvae shown you the import cars, but these are far more interesting! Enjoy: