
Starting to Shape Up

OK. So it's looking just a little better around here. Links are in place and the site is beginning it's makeover. During the next few weeks, I'll be transferring my webfiles from the current host (Angelfire) to another one (PowWeb). It's a killer deal, and I could not pass up the opportunity to have more space for our pictures.

I currently have 100 total MB for roughly $10/month through Angelfire. PowWeb is giving me 250 MB (!), FTP access, 25GB of traffic per month, etc. !! Wahoo!! All of this for only $7.77/month!

Hopefully, this will equate to more pictures for ya'll to look at.

I also switched to this format to make it a little more interactive for you all. Well, as interactive as commenting can get =). You'll notice a link for comments titled, "Have Something to Say?" Click on this and you'll be able to leave message for everyone to read. Hope you have fun with it...


Hard Times

I'm having a hell of a time getting this template to work. I may need to switch to another one, meaning I will lose all the work I have put into this one. We'll see.


New Site

This is the first post of the site.... More to come. I promise.