

It's just not the same anymore....at least not like when we were kids...even on until high school. Halloween just doesn't seem like a big deal to kids anymore. It was the biggest thing to everyone when we were all in grade school...

I remember when all the kids on my block (and 2 blocks over) used to get together to put on the fake blood and colored face cream for our costumes. We got hoardes of candy in our pillow cases...blew out candles from pumpkins...and (being the stupid and dumb kids that we were) took a few pumpkins on our way out after getting the candy....LoL... Looking back..it just seems so wrong...but at the time...it was sooo fun =)

Betty and I got out first and only trick-or-treater last night. It was our very first Halloween in the apartment (we were on our honeymoon last year). We carved a pumpkin and placed it outside the patio so folks could see. The one child with his parents saw the pumpkin and decided to come to us for some trick-or-treating. We really shoulda given him the whole friggin' bag just for being our only trick-or-treater...LoL...



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