
Weekend Events

Betty and I took our little niece Claire to the pumpkin patch over the weekend. The one we normally take her to was actually closed when we got there (6pm on a Saturday night??!! hello!?!?! that's prime pumpkin selling time folks!). We ended up taking her to another one down the street....not as nice...but try telling that to Claire. She had a really fun time.

Check out Claire's pumpkin patch experience 2004.

The next day, Betty and I went up to Millbrae to take Nathan, Michael, Meg, and Haley to the pumpkin patch, as well. Unfortunately, mother-nature intervened and prevented any photos from being taken =( It was so windy and rainy... =(, and I got one shot from the inside of my truck...LoL.

They each still got a pumpkin, but we plan to go to the patch again next week for some pictures...

Other Tidbits:

A couple of years ago, Betty and I were at the Hillsdale Shopping Mall in Belmont, CA. We were shopping in Banana Republic when I noticed a lady at the counter. She looked really familiar, and within seconds I figured that she was actually Malou Nubla from KPIX Channel 5. I was completely star-struck (if you can actually consider her a star...LoL). Needless to say...Nathan and I got a little closer and manager to get a "hello" and a smile from her =).

So....yesterday...Betty and I were at Hillsdale Shopping Mall again. This time we were sitting with my brother/sister in law and their children near a cafe and having some coffee... A lady is walking by with her little baby girl, and at first I was thinking..."oh, what a cute little fat baby." I then relaized that the mother was actually Kim Yonenaka, a news anchor from the Morning News on KICU Channel 2 News. Both Betty and I looked at her for a few seconds while she was passsing by. She looked at us staring at her, then we both said, "Hey, channel 2 news!" ahhahahah She said hello and gave us a smile as she walked by into Nordstrom's.

That wasn't the trippy part.

About 20 minutes later...my sister-in-law says...hey Malou Nubla! ahhaha She passes by with a girlfriend, and then runs into Kim Yonenaka about 20 feet away from us. They both hugged and stood there talking for about 5 minutes or so.

I guess Hillsdale Shopping Mall is some sort of a haven for news anchors! LoL =)

PSBTW...they BOTH look a whole lot better in person than they do on TV...


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