
Weekend In Tustin

Betty and I went to visit Mike and Eve this Labor Day weekend. We must extend our gratitude for their hospitality. They spent nearly the ENTIRE weekend hanging out with us, showing us around, taking us places to eat, and driving EVERYWHERE we went. Thanks guys!!!!

It was really nice to spend some quality time just choppin' it up about everything we are going through.

We also got a chance to hang out with Kevin and Angela talking about wedding stuff...lol....Nice to see you guys too!!

Unfortunately, I didn't take ANY pictures of our time down there, and thus, nothing to share visually. I'm thinking about getting betty one of the smaller P2, P7, or P9 digicams that Sony offers. They are real compact, and easy to take anywhere. My Sony F707 is way too large for regular photo-taking excursions. I normally use it only as a hobby camera.

Anyways...the weekend was a hoot... The ONLY drawback was the detour Betty and I were forced to take on the drive home to Norcal. There was a brush fire next to I-5 North, and we were informed by the local radio to take I-14 to I-58 in order to reach the I-5. Either that route or the I-126 to 1o1 North. We took neither and decided to keep going on the I-5, since EVERYONE else was going there. BAD decision. I-5 North was closed off and EVERYONE and their mother was in line for the detour, which happened to be a fat U-turn back to I-5 South. Needless to say, it cost us a couple of hours just sitting in line on I-5 to get to the detour.

Once on the detour, we were forced onto I-126 towards 101 North. More time wasted.

Then on 101, I decided to take the I-46 to get back to I-5 North.....bad decision.... Two lane highway with a bunch of Semi trucks and slow grandma and grandpa drivers. Ughhh!!

The drive ended up being....get this....12.5 hours long....from Tustin, CA to Milpitas, CA

NEVER again will I ignore traffic news...

On a side note: We did get to see our first LA OJ style police chase...ahhahahaah Homeboy was being flagged down by 3 police cars with their sirens flashing, and he still did not pull over. We were never quite sure whether or not he actually saw the police, but then again, how could he not, with them right on his arse, and doing everything possible to get into his sideview mirrors...lol


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