
Post Wedding thoughts

What can Betty and I say..but...WOW!

We loved the wedding day, and we had soooooo much fun!!! =) In the end...that's what it's all about....

We've both been to many weddings, but when it is your own wedding day...and everyone you know is there...and you just let go...get wild...get ghetto...and just plain stupid...it turns out to be the best day of your life....

All the hard work and planning paid off in the end...and (almost) everything went as planned.... Any mis-haps that day were simply overlooked in the grand scheme of things....

We don't have any photos YET...but once we do...oh boy...there will be links galore posted all over this site =)

Here are just a few taken by my best man, Dat (DA BOMB Best man might I add =) :

Teaser wedding photos from Khanh and Betty's wedding


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