
Angela and Kevin's Wedding Photos

I took over 250 photos at Kevin and Angela's wedding ceremony/reception, and I came out with quite a few that I liked. Lighting was really difficult, especially since it was quite dim at the reception. I always try not to use fill flash, but in some cases...it was not avoidable. Betty and I had so much fun at their wedding and we hope that ours will be just as fun for you =)

The Wedding Ceremony at Lake Hills Community Church

Kevin and Angela Exchanging Vows 1
Kevin and Angela Exchanging Vows 2
Kevin Kissing the Bride
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 1
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 1 - Black & White
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 2
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 3
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 3 - Black & White
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 4
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 5
Kevin and Angela on the Altar 6
Kevin and Angela and the Hsus
Kevin and Angela and the Hsus - Black & White
Angela hugging Her Father

The Wedding Reception at Pelican Hills Golf Club

Eve and Mike Dancing
Betty and Jennifer Dancing
Betty, Sherry, Jennifer, Eve, and Jess chillin'
Betty and Taryn - Black & White
Table Centerpiece
Table 12
Eve and James Bond
Eve and Mike Dancing
Father and Daughter Dance
High School girls and Kevin
Irwin, Khanh, and Mike Being Goofy
GQ Men of the Year =)
Irwin, Khanh and Mike Titilating Each Other
Jennifer Feeding Irwin
Jess, Eve, Betty, and Jennifer at Cocktail Hour
Kevin and Angela Dancing 1 - Black & White
Kevin and Angela Dancing 2 - Black & White
Kevin and Angela at Head Table
Kevin and Angela Smooching
Kevin and Angela on the Green
Kevin, Angela, and Sherry - Black & White
Khanh and Betty Stuff Each Other's Faces
Khanh and Mike
Listening to the Band
Sherry and Taryn
Taryn, Betty and Jessica
The Girls Touching Jennifer


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